If you are booking an appointment for an on-going health problem please book the same GP that you have previously seen to ensure continuity of care.
We aim to see people within 48 hours when urgent. Our Advanced Nurse Specialist Team and Physician Associate Team have a large number of urgent appointments available in addition to the GP appointments.
Please complete an online eConsult to request an appointment.
The receptionists will try to ensure you see the appropriate person and in order to do this they may ask the nature of the problem. If the problem is of a sensitive nature and you do not want to tell the receptionist please let them know it is personal.
If your problem is urgent a doctor may telephone you first to assess the speed with which you need to be seen as there are a number of emergency slots reserved for 'on the day' use only.
It is also possible to book appointments with all doctors in advance. Please bear in mind that Mondays and Fridays are our busiest days. If your appointment is routine you can book up to a month in advance.
If you think your visit to the doctor will take more than 10 minutes please ask the receptionist to book you a double appointment.
If for any reason you cannot attend your appointment please cancel it as soon as possible so that we can offer the slot to another patient.